Calgary Highland Games

The Calgary Highland Games are an event where people from Western Alberta are given the opportunity celebrate their Scottish heritage, with piping, drumming, dance and heavy events.

Festival Dates: -
Listing Updated:
Location: Calgary, Alberta

The Calgary Highland Games is one of the premier Highland Games in Western Canada. Started in 1913, it is one of the oldest gatherings in North America. This is an event where people from Western Alberta are given the opportunity to celebrate their Scottish heritage. 

For those who do not have this background, it is the opportunity to learn and even participate in some of the Scottish traditions including the tasting of typical Scottish food.

Photo by Sarah Lyn MacDonald

The above events are all in addition to the regular heavy event competitions (includes caber toss, hammer toss etc.) plus the piping, drumming, band and the amateur dance competitions. And let's not forget the non-stop entertainment at the Festival Tent and the massed band extravaganza to end the event!

Whether You’re A Scot…Or Not!

Image courtesy of Marshall Ennis

Image courtesy of Ann Lidgren

For more information visit:

Email: [email protected]

Image courtesy of Ann Lidgren

Unless specified otherwise, all information on the Calgary Highland Games has been provided by festival organizers.

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